Unity WTF?

Unity WTF?

If you don't know, the Game Engine Unity, the game engine used to make this game in, Is now gonna start charging developers money per install. This is so dumb. I know that you have to get a certain amount of money to have to start paying but, I don't want to go bankrupt just because I released a game I spent time on, something I really enjoyed about. For now, the game is on a hold, no development changes will happen. If Unity does not rollback these dumb changes. This game will be either cancelled or remade in another game engine. This is very sad because I've been wanting to make my own games and I found Unity and it was very easy to learn and for them to start doing this just pisses me off. I was really hoping of releasing this game for people to enjoy but now. I physically can't, If by chance, it got popular at anytime after these changes, I could possibly be bankrupt and I don't even have any money in my wallet, literally only $0.25. This is something that will have a huge impact in some games. I honestly don't know what to do. I've used Unity for years now and for me needing to switch to a whole different game engine I don't know anything about, that just means I spent years of my life, learning game dev, in a cruel game engine. I know Unity doesn't get a good reputation but it was the most easiest game engine I could learn at the time. I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't know what to do after this. The worst part is that I'm a solo developer. I do mostly everything except for my friends providing concepts and art. So, if Unity does not rollback these changes, expect either this game to be cancelled or moved to another game engine and possibly maybe no more games from me. Hope you guys had a great day because I surely didn't. -EricTeaminate 9/13/2023.

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